The KAAWS Clinic at Cypress
Feral cats should be kept in a carrier or trap for at least 24 hours after surgery beforereleasing. It is normal for patients to be groggy after surgery and this time will allow theanesthesia to clear from their system so they will be fully alert when released.
If your cat was pregnant please keep for at least 24 hours and make sure she is active, alert, and interested in eating and drinking prior to release.
Patient should be kept indoors/not exposed to extreme cold or warm temperatures during the 24-hour recovery time.
If you intend to offer the patient a litter box, FOR ALL MALE CATS make sure you are usingonly paper, or pine litter in the box.
All sutures are internal and will not need to be removed, as they will dissolve on their own.
If you notice excessive bleeding from the incision site or have any medical concerns related to the surgery, please call us immediately. If we are closed, please contact your closest emergency clinic.
If your feral tested positive for Feline Leukemia (FeLV) and/or Feline AIDS (FiV), we stronglyrecommend, if possible, finding a home that can keep the pet inside permanently.
We NEVER recommend release of positive cats to prevent exposure to others and limit the risk for infections to the pet.
Please monitor the tip of the left ear for any bleeding due to notching. If bleeding is noticed, keep the patient in trap and inform us.
If bleeding occurs when we are closed – keep the patient in trap overnight and inform us the next morning.
You may offer a small amount of water or a few ice cubes once you get your feral home. Wait until at least 7:00 p.m. before you attempt feeding.
Make sure you only attempt a small amount of food (one quarter to half of the normal amount) as their digestion will be disturbed from the anesthesia and vomiting may occur.
If the patient is not interested in food or water, or they will not allow you to offer either, do not be alarmed – this is typical for many ferals and they typically recover nicely once they are released.